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10 sex myths you need to stop believing

Whether it came from idiot friends, awkward parents, or copious amounts of farm porn, we all have just bad information about sex burned into our brains.
Thankfully, our readers are here to debunk the most ridiculous of the bunch. 


I watched a documentary on YouTube were I finally settled this one.  Some pornstars were asked if the bigger penis gave them better sex and to suprise you, twas all NO. The average penis of 6-7 was chosen as the ideal dick size. The G-spot is only 1.5-2cm deep into the vagina and most times they are missed when big guns thrust. So smile men of little peanuts, you're better equipped. 

2) All STD's have symptoms
This is real and one of the main reasons why I feel going raw is not good. Some STI's like Chlamydia and Herpes may not present with symptoms. Also the deadly HIV doesn't show symptoms at first and it takes a long while before symptoms develop fully. So that young fresh girl/guy might not be 100% clean.


This is one of the most controversial topic of the 21st century. How long is an ideal sex and what time limit defines premature ejaculation? According to a research, the ideal sex time is between 4-5 minutes and if tis longer than 60 seconds, then it is no longer premature.  If you are priviledged to have a sex time greater than 5 minutes, then thats just an icing on the cake.


This is one we need to drag into the ears of Nigerian/African mothers. They feel cutting the clitoris(female genital mutilation) is a way of reducing a girl sexual urge.  This is false on all levels. The Clitoris might be the peg of female excitement, but it doesn't define libido in any way. Infact, a cut clitoris will make satisfaction almost difficult and sex becomes something she seeks at all times. Aside that, uncircumcised males doesn't have better libido than their circumsided counterpart


Sometimes, pre-cum might contain some sperm from previous ejaculation and pregnancy might occur if ovulation is around the corner. Aside that, the speed of the first ejaculate is so much that you can be standing at the door of the bathroom and it will jump into the water closet assuming you have 6tiles apart from the door. So Wanna prevent pregnancy? Use condom!


I once heard this one while I was growing up. This is the lie of the millennium. It is so outrageous. Some say if you do doggy at about 5am, you will have a male child. Sex position is  a physical activity which does not determine baby gender (which is genetically determined)


Here we go again. Hymen is not a raincoat that covers the whole vagina. Hymen is a membrane around the vagina. Alot of things aside sex can also break it or tear it. Yes, bicycle riding, horse riding and accidents can tear this membrane. It can also be absent in some. But me and you know that you don't ride bicycle or horse, so don't even show this to your mum. But an absent hymen doesn't always mean loss of virginity and intriguing enough, it's possible for you to have sex and still have your hymen still hanging in there and you wouldn't believe it but am.least in younger women, if torn, it can heal itself thus making it completely useless as an indicator of virginity. 

8)HOE vagina IS WIDER

I know this will be hard to accept but it is the bitter truth. A wide VJayjay doesn't indicate promiscuity.  According to research, a very wet vagina contain substances that relaxes the vagina and causes it to open wider. Bro! If pikin head fit commot from there, your johnbull na nothing. The vagina is elastic.... always remember that.


The Clitoris is bigger than what you see from the outside.  It extends backwards inside towards the pubic bone. So next time you stimulating the joystick, make sure you go the full length and not just rub at the tip.


And it still baffles me that some people wear double condoms just to make sure they are far from STI's or getting a girl pregnant. This is actually wrong. Infact, when nylon rub against nylon it increases its tendency to burst than when it rubs against skin. So one condom was made to help you achieve sexual satisfaction and also avoid STI'S.

•••Mc Sainty

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