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      Many people want to get an education, make money, get married and have children. That’s just the way it goes.
To many people, it does not even matter that you do not get an education, make money or get married. You must however have children.
   Recently I was talking with someone really close and elderly about a young girl who was suspected to have mental problems and she said “nobody will marry that one oh, if only she will just see somebody that will impregnate her at least let her have a child.” Bizarre right? An unborn child is already saddled with such enormous responsibility. In the interim, who takes care of the child? Sad but this is the reality.
      Many people want and have children for just as much the wrong reasons. 
For some, it’s about someone to take care of them when they grow old? 

For others, the need for companionship, or simply to give her husband a child and secure her marriage? Oh, isn’t it just natural to have children; after all, God said we should go into the world and multiply. Remember your parents are getting older everyday and need to see their grandchildren. Aren’t your mates already giving birth and don’t you want people addressing you as mama/papa somebody. This list is endless and varies from culture to culture and person to person.
     Maybe it isn’t so bad to have secondary reasons for child bearing, after all isn’t it you who gives life to the child? I just think it reeks of selfishness though if one or more of those make up the primary reason why you want to bring a human being into the world.
   Birthing children comes with heavy responsibility and insane sacrifices. The moment you decide to bring forth a human being into this crazy, hateful, degenerate and uncertain world, you should also make a corresponding vow to forge and carve out a little heaven for that child and this means you do not marry or continue to live with just any spouse, conversely, you will not just upset your marital arrangement without putting up a hard fight to make it work, you do not take just any job in the guise of “providing for your children” and leave their care and upbringing to nannies and relatives. It stops being about you and becomes whatever is best for those little humans you decided to bring into an unstable world.

    You would be sleep deprived, might suffer and go hungry, miss vacations, suffer indignities, be angry, disappointed, frustrated, unappreciated and heart broken but you should never react and take it out on that child.
Your kids will eventually grow up and if you had them for the wrong reasons, you will become sorry and bitter, if you have not already succeeded in damaging them along the way.
       What happens when you had children for companionship and instead they want to travel the world? Or you want to be mama doctor, Papa lawyer so that they can take care of you when you are old but your child chooses to follow his passion that leaves him nameless and broke? What if you eventually find out your husband already has children with the other woman and is leaving you for her anyway?

       Some persons find out along the way of parenthood that the only reason why you should have children is love; you want someone to love unconditionally. Someone to give a life better than that which you had. You don’t ‘need’ that child, but you ‘want’ that child because you have so much love and wisdom to give. You want to watch a miniature you have the best life there is and grow into an awesome human being that can feed back the love and wisdom and care into a dying world and you are going to do all that is humanly possible to make that happen.
   If maybe more persons paid more attention to why they wanted children, we would have less dysfunctional families and individuals and maybe too the world will become a safer and sweeter place to live.
     So the next time you think about having children and you remember the world would become better or worse because of your decision, you may decide to adopt a puppy instead.   

                     By jenifa 

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