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      The very sight of the word draws a frown, some raised eyebrows or complete disgust from people who don't bleach or people who tried it and looked uglier.
There are several questions surrounding the term "bleaching" or skin lightening or whatever name you want to give to it.
     Why do people bleach?
     Why do people hate people who bleach?
     Are there really downsides to bleaching or is it just some hate propangada?
     Are there benefits from looking lighter?
Well, let's start here....
       The World Health Organization has reported that Nigerians are the highest users of such bleaching products: 77% of Nigerian women use the products on a regular basis. They are followed by Togo with 59%; South Africa with 35%; and Mali at 25%.
       Isn't it hypocritical that we criticise the most what we are most guilty of,well, That's by the side. One thing has been established though, bleaching is quite the trend. So, why do people bleach...
     "I've been black and dark-skinned for many years, I wanted to see the other side. I wanted to see what it would be like to be white and I'm happy," she says candidly.
        That's the statement of a happy "bleached" woman. She is some South African local celebrity who has been widely criticised in the local media and social networking sites for her "new look" but the 30-year-old lady says skin-bleaching is a personal choice, no different from breast implants or a having nose job.
       Another example is Vera Sidika, if you dont know her let me give you the proper description.  Add Jennifer Lopez's "You know what" , Rihanna with nicki minaj and then you're close to how hot she is.  
She is criticised to having used over $170,000 on bleaching. In her defence, she says she bleached to have a fresher skin and launched a counter attack on the very society criticising her that they are the very cause why women feel the need to bleach, That society finds lighter women to be more attractive and are more likely to gain job opportunities and marriages.
     Why do people hate people who bleach? There's no need to talk about this because people will hate just anything.
     Are there downsides to bleaching? Yes
The challenge is coming from poor people, no offense. Everyone wants to be attractive and a huge fraction of women see looking good (in other words, bleaching) as improving your chances of finding a rich man(a.k.a ticket out of poverty) and so they result to cheap bleaching creams and The dangers associated with the use of some of these creams include blood cancers such as leukaemia and cancers of the liver and kidneys, as well as a severe skin condition called ochronosis, a form of hyper-pigmentation which causes the skin to turn a dark purple shade, according to senior researcher at the University of Cape Town, Dr Lester Davids.
        In all, everyone has some measure of guilt but personally, I don't have a thing against bleaching.  It all boils down to choice.

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