Dear Christian,
I have a thought I want to share with you
2020 was quite a year, all thanks to coronavirus. It came with everything; the deaths,near deaths, the fears and the conspiracy theories. It wasn’t a good year at the office for pastors. They were viciously verbally attacked for their lack of foresight on the incoming pandemic. Pastor Chris oyakhilome took and still takes the hardest hit of criticisms for all he has said and is still saying about the virus.
It started with Him branding the virus nothing more than the flu and linking global restrictions as a cloak to install 5G that could herald the coming of the ‘Anti-Christ’.
A few days ago, he blatantly criticized all Christians who took the vaccine and are encouraging people to. He argues that as Christians we ought to be healers and that the Bible teaches that there is power in our tongue to heal.
Since the video’s upload , he has received criticisms left,right and center with some folks calling for his arrest.
Wait a minute everybody, as Christians, shouldn’t we be on the side of pastors who preach not taking the vaccine on grounds that Christ lives in us and our faith in him should heal us that COVID could never reside in our bodies? Isn’t that what the Bible teaches?
Luke 10:18-19
Mark 16:17,18
Both verses say that to be recognized as a Christian, you should at least do the miraculous; you and people around you shouldn’t know sickness.
This is the basic requirement for a Christian.
There’s also another side to this argument. It is in 1 Corinthians 8 where Paul speaks about denying yourself certain things for the stability of the Weak faith of others.
It applies to the vaccine too. Christians who are cocksure in being immune to the virus can help others of “weak” faith by either taking the vaccine as some placebo or refuse condemning others for accepting the vaccine. A move that could potentially save lives too.
I’m not writing against adherence to Laid down government regulations, I’m writing to question your reason for adhering. Are you giving to Caesar what belongs to him or are you failing to be a Christian by Jesus’ standard?
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