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The thing about complicated people

Complicated people are super interesting I mean this goes without saying but they are also super...dangerous. I don't think you needed me to tell you this.
 Riddle me this what is it about them that sucks us into the vortex that is their lives. And Don't sit there and tell me you've never been sucked into the whirlpool that is a complicated person before .

When I was in secondary school, I befriended a girl (for future reference we'll call her D) and D was the reigning queen of complicationsnadia. And although she always found a way to rope me into her drama I still foolishly remained friends with her for a long time. So tell me what is it about them is it the way they dive head first into trouble, the way they are able to wiggle themselves out of said trouble or is it the fact that the socially awkward loser in all of us loves, scratch that, yearns to actually be involved in anything even if it's unsolicited drama (or is it just me?) .
And the funny thing is that they will never change. I can boldly say this From personal experience. The proverb "A leopard can never change its spots" always applies to them.
 And D never changed who she was. Well that's not entirely true because she did mellow down for a while after a controversy she started turned around to burn her in the ass but like a Phoenix she rose from the ashes of humiliation to become a complicated person that stopped giving fucks and stopped taking shits (and these friends are the worse kind of drama prone people you'll ever find) .

 Complicated people everywhere wetin sef? Do you people feed on drama like the boogeyman feeds on children's nightmares?
So non complicatos take it from me the socially awkward girl who managed to escape (technically she changed schools but let's not go into nuances) if you were ever to befriend a complicated person make sure to always keep them at arms length.

                        By Nowe

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  1. This kinda complicated described is actually dramatic individuals and I totally dislike this sort. What we can't just get enough of is the refined, slightly weird and unpredictably calculated individuals. See! that sentence just looks so complicated.
