Critics and The Bible
The Bible has been around for years, guiding the Christian faith, it has survived hostile eras, even forbidden at one period, men laid down their lives to protect the scrolls. Today it has even gone digital, printed as fancy pocket books, translated by many scholars.
If you are a Christian, you must have a school of thought that the bible is a life manual, guiding you
through every action in life, every information from the first word “In” to the last word “Amen” is a prerequisite on how to be human.
As laid down as that is, this same ideology has been a pot of honey to several critics of the Christian book, the fact that you should follow its instructions explicitly has made some of the passages therein lift the brows of the critics.
Now here are some things the bible clearly says that look odd (when you take them at face value) and are fuel to the Critic’s engine.
Of course, I’m neutral here…(for now), here are the popular seven;
1) Do not allow a sorceress to live
(Exodus 22:18)
Blimey me!, this is already a norm in our society, this therefore is one of the less odd looking ones.
2) Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel
(1 Peter 2:18)
There was even a time when people used this verse as a reason not to abolish slave trade, what do you do when the Bible isn’t only vague about slavery but places the onus on slaves to submit to old masters?
3) If she grabs your Junk while fighting someone else, cut off her hand and show her no pity.
(Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
Crimony! Was this a problem that needed a solution? Either way, here is a solution.
4) No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord.
(Deuteronomy 23:1)
Had an accident that impacted your privates? Stay the heck out of the church.
5) The men of her town shall stone her to death
(Deuteronomy {AGAIN!?} 22:20-21)
What do you do if your daughter loses her virginity before marriage? That's your answer right there.
6) Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
(Leveticus 20:9)
Seems harsh right? Makes me imagine how many 3 years old would have been put to death for saying "daddy, you're mad".
7) Encouragement of the murder of pagan children and infants
(Hosea 13:16)
This one is dark, well it wasn’t from me.
8)A person begotten out of wedlock shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord; even to his tenth generation.
(Deuteronomy 23:2)
There you go, most counter critic by Christian scholars have been that;
1) These verses have meanings and are not face value- this has even increased the smoke to fire as the critics point to the fact that the Bible is painted as an easy to use, step by step, word for word guide to christains.
2) Jesus came to abolish the Old law- The average Atheist only rambles “errrr, its same bible, old or new”
Well, these are just bible verses criticism, there are other forms like historical and archeological, and just plain no proof criticism, that’s story for another day. I’m gonna leave the names of the world biggest bible critics for you, to douse some heat.
Stephen Jay Gould, Ze’ev Herzog, Yoni Mizrahi, Zahi Hawass, Richard Simon, Jean Astruc, Hermann Samuel Reimarus (remember the disciples stole his body theory? This guy invented that), Johann Philipp Gottfried Eichhorn, Johann Phillip Gabler, Georg Lorenz Bauer, and so on and on.
By Godsent
If you are a Christian, you must have a school of thought that the bible is a life manual, guiding you
through every action in life, every information from the first word “In” to the last word “Amen” is a prerequisite on how to be human.
As laid down as that is, this same ideology has been a pot of honey to several critics of the Christian book, the fact that you should follow its instructions explicitly has made some of the passages therein lift the brows of the critics.
Now here are some things the bible clearly says that look odd (when you take them at face value) and are fuel to the Critic’s engine.
Of course, I’m neutral here…(for now), here are the popular seven;
1) Do not allow a sorceress to live
(Exodus 22:18)
Blimey me!, this is already a norm in our society, this therefore is one of the less odd looking ones.
2) Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel
(1 Peter 2:18)
There was even a time when people used this verse as a reason not to abolish slave trade, what do you do when the Bible isn’t only vague about slavery but places the onus on slaves to submit to old masters?
3) If she grabs your Junk while fighting someone else, cut off her hand and show her no pity.
(Deuteronomy 25:11-12)
Crimony! Was this a problem that needed a solution? Either way, here is a solution.
4) No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord.
(Deuteronomy 23:1)
Had an accident that impacted your privates? Stay the heck out of the church.
5) The men of her town shall stone her to death
(Deuteronomy {AGAIN!?} 22:20-21)
What do you do if your daughter loses her virginity before marriage? That's your answer right there.
6) Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
(Leveticus 20:9)
Seems harsh right? Makes me imagine how many 3 years old would have been put to death for saying "daddy, you're mad".
7) Encouragement of the murder of pagan children and infants
(Hosea 13:16)
This one is dark, well it wasn’t from me.
8)A person begotten out of wedlock shall not enter into the assembly of the Lord; even to his tenth generation.
(Deuteronomy 23:2)
There you go, most counter critic by Christian scholars have been that;
1) These verses have meanings and are not face value- this has even increased the smoke to fire as the critics point to the fact that the Bible is painted as an easy to use, step by step, word for word guide to christains.
2) Jesus came to abolish the Old law- The average Atheist only rambles “errrr, its same bible, old or new”
Well, these are just bible verses criticism, there are other forms like historical and archeological, and just plain no proof criticism, that’s story for another day. I’m gonna leave the names of the world biggest bible critics for you, to douse some heat.
Stephen Jay Gould, Ze’ev Herzog, Yoni Mizrahi, Zahi Hawass, Richard Simon, Jean Astruc, Hermann Samuel Reimarus (remember the disciples stole his body theory? This guy invented that), Johann Philipp Gottfried Eichhorn, Johann Phillip Gabler, Georg Lorenz Bauer, and so on and on.
By Godsent
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