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It's owkay

It's owkay to be Wrong.
I remember having a argument with a crowd, Just me with a view different from everyone else. I was too convinced that I was right and I stood by my convictions but as the argument went on, some bright fellow asked me a certain question that brought down all my strong points and right there, it hit me I was about to lose an argument in front of alot of people.
In that moment, I could hear my Ego begging me to save it from shame that would stem from the multitude of laughter and jest.
Time was running out, I had to drop a come back line but instead I accepted defeat and agreed that I had been wrong. Yes! There was laughter and even more laughter but there's a point to note.
It is that accepting wrong is often underrated. People perceive accepting wrong as some measure of weakness or a fail.
I'm not of the opinion. For people who have a knack for arguments or any sort of competition, be it a game, challenge or whatever, it is a show of heightened strength to concede, to look at the evil smirk on your opponents face and accept a wrong or loss.
Additionally, It's an expression of intelligence. It's a decision to be smart rather than stiff-necked.
I remember my Friend Jeffery. Allow me to be cocky just a bit; Jeffery loves to see me lose an argument. Why? I'm most times always right. Deep down, he knows it but will Jeffery ever accept it? Big Fat Never. Jeffery would rather sound like a complete idiot than agree that I'm right.

I'm cocksure You've met someone like Jeffery before.
That's a weak person
Don't be that person.

It's owkay to Give UP.
There's so much messages online and in books about perseverance, not giving up on something you've been working on and in the reward for hard work championed by so called Motivational speakers. But here's what nobody tells you, it is absolutely Owkay to give up, even on something you've invested so much in.
In my second year of Medicine, I had this course mate, Daniel. Daniel would spend all night and Day reading but as soon as Daniel closes the book, Daniel could not explain what he just spent 7 hours reading, he just could not. He would say some lines off the topic but it was always without understanding. He tried and tried, failed and failed again till he gave up totally on school.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's Owkay to give up on school, my point is, he should have given up on medicine a long time ago even before failing at all.
My reason? People are just built for somethings over others.

The problem isn't that most people don't realise that they aren't set up for some things. People know, everyone is aware when they are struggling more than most people. The problem is People are scared of being labelled losers and failures.
I cannot say it enough, it's Owkay to lose and give up on whatever you feel you're not built for. Save the time and invest it in your strengths.

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