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Walk Of Shame

It was not easy to pick up
my shredded clothes after
he was done.
He invaded my privacy
at the bright of the moon.
The world was no more safe
neither my room.
He barged in after already
taking all my mummies money.
Oh just like my daddy had done.

He slid out of the door as
though in a rush at the sight
of the morning sun.
Turns and turns
and I had been torn.
From top to bottom
My slit was stretched

I let out a loud scream
when he let my mouth free.
But mom wouldn't walk in.
I had no option
But to pick up my clothes
Torn apart to cover my
Body, my raided Glory.

I took tiny scared steps
Bitter steps of shame
Shaking and shivering.
The fear of what kept
Mom from coming
Made me hold my lips together.

I walked a thousand steps
from my stairs down
To my moms room.
She had been held captive.
Mouth, hands and feet in

Then she clapped
She raised her head
She wept but smiled.
The walk of shame I'd taken
Had set her free.

Her eyes radiating,
The brightness of the rising
sun reflected against her
teared up eyes.

'That walk of shame,
Picking your shredded clothes
Were those I failed to take'.
She admitted.

In my cocoon, I hid till today.
And so my world remained unsafe.
Cos I did nothing to make a change.
Thank you for not
making the mistake.
For not waiting in your room,
hiding in disgrace

And running out after days
covered in pity
And having a daughter
you cannot protect or raise.

Never hope your scars
Would speak
Let your mouth be unsealed
And tell the world about your
Miseries and only then we can
Make the needed change
And only then would
The world be a safer place.

Her words hit had.
I knew she understood my
Pains. She'd be there.
The emotional and physical damage.
The fear of the stigma
The hurt and the blood.

But as she had kept silent
 I had paid the price.

I'd give speaking a try.
Thank God I did.
For the peace I feel,
The baby I'm carrying will testify
And the evil perpetrators
Will finally be forced to retire
If he remains uncaught.


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