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Why students sleep in class

I was doodling on my note, writing love notes to Cole Sprouse and Ty dollar sign. Mr. Lecturer had been going on and on for hours. He had lost more than half of the class but he kept talking; so annoying. Some moments later, he stopped. I looked up to see why and i followed his eyes to our classmate, Tunji who had fallen asleep. Tunji was one of those people that fell asleep in most classes; i always guessed he got bored easily. 
  In his defence, Tunji wasnt the only one asleep. Even Lisa though awake now had been asleep a few minutes ago. And she was the serious type; unserious people like us envied her. 
    However, lecturer guy got more livid as he stared at Tunji; and i believe it was in the way he was sleeping. Im talking mouth-open, drooling kinda sleeping; even used his sweater as a pillow. 
   As i watched the lecturer walk over to Tunji and clap his hands over Tunji's ears, i drifted off a little thinking and wondering why people even fall asleep whilst in class...
      Maybe you're wondering too and so i ll share with you what Quora told me:

A lotta students seem to be plagued by this problem; too many students get too little sleep. And we could blame it on the fact that we spend too much time in school and then we have to study at night or that we are young and are so easily distracted by smartphones, video games, Internet, novels and other vices.
    Whichever way, we get way less than the recommended 8-hour sleep and this may even be more damaging than it seems.
ADVICE:  Try managing your time better and get as much sleep as possible. 

   Yes, the lecturers are also very much implicated. Ever been in a lecture room where the teacher man is just dictating from a presentation or reading from a book/material in the name of teaching? Its infuriating.
 How im i supposed to stay awake when you're reading prose to me? 
 I mean if i needed a reader i wont have to come to school ,would i? I believe if lecturers made classes more lively, involved the students; of course with a little bit of humour... Some students will sleep way less..
   Generally, surviving morning classes on a whole are a lot more easier even with little sleep. But afternoon classes are a whole different level. Sometimes, the class may be interesting but afternoons just tend to have this boring, hot, unmotivating aura. We cant help it..
   Besides sometimes, before these afternoon classes, some people have had lunch and in my school its mostly Santana. Now after a meal like that, with all of you trying to digest that food, listening to a lecturer drone isnt something anyone desires.
    Someone suggested, there should be a time for nap after lunch/ afternoons generally, just like in primary school. 
What do you think?

On the other hand, a lady called Jessamine divided students into 4 on the basis of sleeping in class:

     These are the students who stay up late studying and simply because nature always wins, they cant help but sleep in class.

      These guys generally just lack motivation towards academic activities; like they would rather be anywhere else. I think i met a lotta of these guys in secondary school. And somehow it is disturbing.
    Then there are the geniuses who are just too good so much so that they dont need the classes or the knowledge. They just come to class for the attendance or for companionship.

        They are basically just bored. Could be the lecturer's voice or the topic or his method of delivery; but whatever the lecturer says just seems like a lullaby.
   Maybe there's a mutation in their brain that makes them sleepy a lot. Im joking though, or am i?

      I think this is the category that bothered me the most. These students are suffering from some form of  mental disorder_ could be anxiety or depression or anyother disorder.
  With peculiarity to each disorder, they are either lacking motivation or they arent even sleeping enough.

I dont know if your question has been answered but lemme say this:
I know sleeping students are always good for laughs but maybe instead of laughing, we should be talking to them and asking what's wrong. Maybe just maybe, we might be able to save someone. #justmy2pence...

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