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The Medical Exam Struggle

I'm lying down and pressing my phone. It's been a long while i had time for this. Exams are stressful but medical exams are the height. After writing my 2nd professional exams, i learnt a couple lessons:

● Everybody struggles.

Even the smartest ones, the nerdy ones, the book-ish ones. They all struggle.
 Sometimes it's easy to accept that there are people who have it easy; it helps reduce the burden you put on yourself. But, know this: Nobody has it easy, prepping for an exam takes its toll on everyone.

● Exams bring out the worst in people. 

In reality, it's not the exams that brings out the worst in people, it's the fear of failure. Preppin for the exam is draining and depressing.
 Now imagine having to go through it all over again. If it were up to you, won't you go to any length to avoid that?; even if it questioned your religious status and orientation?. 
So next time, don't roll your eyes, click your tongue or point those fingers. Just.... Just look at the ceiling and count the squares. 

● Exams showcase pastor-potential. 
Even the atheists become godly during exam period. It's quite hilarious. 
I remember the last prayer meeting we had; people who usually leave class during prayers were dancing, singing and reverencing God.
 If you ever walk into your church and it's unnecessarily full, ask around and it's highly likely that the next day is exam day.
 If you inquire further, you may get that it's exam for medical students.

●Exams give you epiphanies. 

Whilst writing my exam, i recalled everytime i had hated on doctors/consultants for being mean and critical. It suddenly made sense to me. 
The training was exhausting and the exhaustion never ends. Going through that kind of strain and coming out of it deserves some level of shoulders-raising. Just a little sha. Although, some people use to raise their shoulders too high(bring it down small).

 See ehn, medical students are not stuck up or proud or whatever. We're just under a lot of pressure. Don't respect medicine because it's a noble profession or whatever. I don't even think it is. 
What i'm sure of is that,we struggle and we suffer. Worse, especially for those who go ahead to practice, the struggle doesn't end. 
They have to see so much suffering, so much pain, deliver so much bad news. It's no wonder suicide/depression rates are increasing among medics. Ps: if you have a medic friend, encourage them often instead of dragging salary with them

Aluyi Eric Cares

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