Today. I took out time to ask fellow colleagues and friends ,if they had to make 3 wishes, what would they wish for ?
Nobody wants worldwide peace. We want self happiness and to also our families.
David says
* He wants his scholarship to pay
*He wants someone to give him over 20billion dollars for free
*and a scholarship to Harvard
Raymond says he wants
*So much power
*He wants to make heaven
*And he wants to fitlthy rich to help his Family.
Cindy wants
*A guaranteed spot in heaven no matter how she lives on earth.
*She wants alot of money never to make her worry again
*And to make sure her family is happy
*And to make sure her family is happy
Ohnohno wants
*That i really don't have the power to grant wishes
*That shes possible to know people's intention towards her
*To always be happy.
*That shes possible to know people's intention towards her
*To always be happy.
Haliru wants
*Alot of money, a good wife and longlife.
Lastly is Moses
*Moses wants to make an impact to everyone in his generation
*To be famous even in death
*Wants everyone in his class to pass in forthcoming exams.
If i put the question to you, would your answer be any similar? I think so
This is classic human beings for you. It reflects our very nature of Self-centeredness Every wish is centred on "my,my,my".
This is Christianity's biggest enemy, the human nature of wanting ours first.
Moses's answer is more encompassing but it still has alot to do with self.
Nobody wants to end world poverty, nope. Everyone wants a little more money for him or herself.
Nobody wants worldwide peace. We want self happiness and to also our families.
Nobody wants to end all diseases. We want to make sure we and our families are always healthy.
This is the best yardstick to judge how far we've come as Christians and how much work is to be done.
You are growing in Chirst when you think more of how much you can do for others than actually pleasing yourself.
You are growing in Chirst when you think more of how much you can do for others than actually pleasing yourself.
Don't think I'm any different. Im just as guilty. I want a trillion dollars .
To live eternally and lose the ability to worry about anything .
In the end, may God help us.
What would you wish for if you had 3 wishes?
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What would you wish for if you had 3 wishes?
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