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The Vineyard

Main Text: 
Matthew 20:1-16
16. "So those who are last now will be the first then, and those who are first will be last"
 This text is an illustration about the kingdom of Heaven been likened to hired workers at different times being paid; at the end of the parable,  all workers were paid the same,  those who worked for just an hour and those who worked all day.

It seemed confusing to me, for like the workers in the parable and to me , it didn't seem like fair judgement.
Romans 2:6 says ," God will repay each person according to what they have done" NIV.
Galatians 6:9,"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. KJV.

The above scriptures preaches that hardwork in amount and duration does matter and determines reward . So what could this text be about? Well, here's what i think.
The Kingdom of Heaven has been given to us when we decided to work for and walk in  God (Luke 17:21) but it requires that we fulfill our term of working or else we lose it.

The message here is, whether you start early or late in accepting and walking in God won't really matter, the most important thing is that when God comes again you will be ready .
Being a Christian who has worked for just 30mins or having worked 30 years wouldn't make a difference for both would be on the same boat of salvation. 
And Lastly,  this is a call to Christians working hard to keep it on some more and to those who haven't come aboard, they should hurry. Time is of the essence and there's enough room for everybody.

Have a blessed day.

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