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 I came here today to talk about something that doesn't concern me at all.
It's not like I'm an "amebo" but I'm shook.
Talking about gender inequality...

So I was on a bike going to school one day and I witnessed this scene.
There was this light-skinned woman around 40-years old with a clay pot on her head and a stalk in her mouth. There were about twenty-five to thirty other women around her with tree branches and they were singing songs of shame and shouting at her.
The woman was crying but they continued like it's no man's business.
... she wasn't wearing any clothes at all! Sagging breast and all on display and they were walking down my neighbourhood on the tarred road.

First thing that came to my mind was...
Maybe she stole something but when I got home and gave my mom the gist, she laughed and said no. That the woman committed adultery.

I'm angry right now. So is it because of adultery they stripped that woman naked and made her walk round the neighbourhood ...naked?
Ordinary adultery!

I'm sure you frowned at the last phrase and asked how adultery is ordinary...
Some of us are from polygamous families,aren't we?
I'm guessing your mother is not the one with two husbands...
As expected!

When the husbands cheat. They don't call it adultery . They find a fancy phrase to give to it. I've heard things as "he was tired of tasting eguisi soup, he wanted to taste banga".

The woman is the one that keeps the family together. You have to forgive your husband and continue to pray and fast for him. If there are children from the woman he cheated with, treat them like your own. Take care of them... You just have to forgive him, there is no other option...

They are all mad.

When the wife did the same thing. They removed fasting and prayer from the entire equation. They did not talk about forgiveness. They did not say... If your wife gets pregnant for another man in your marriage, take care of them like your own.

What even pains me the most is that even some women are so comfortable with this rubbish. I felt like rewinding time and going back to the scene and ask all the women castigating her to kneel down and raise their hands for one hour each but we all know I can't.

I'm not saying that she is right. I'm only asking why the punishment doesn't apply for both sexes.

I'm yet to see the male adulterer walking naked on my street.
I'm not being rude but please oo... is it not the same nakedness?

This whole gender inequality nonsense is nonsense!

                      By Tobi

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  1. It's just society. It'll take time to change the status quo.


  2. Beautiful work Tobi, thank you for bringing to light the condition and mentality of our society. I'm looking forward to reading more of your articles.
