Is Tithing really Necessary?
That's Google's online dictionary definition.
I can't imagine a life without "google", makes me wonder what our parents had to go through to access the slightest information.
So, Tithing, means giving "one tenth" but you probably already know that.
Quite recently, there has been an uproar from Christians of varying denominations against tithing. Too many feel tithing, which serves the purpose of building the church and its clergyman is grossly been misappropriated.
Too many questions surround tithing, some folks even feel it's not biblical to tithe.
Others feel it can be bypassed , while others don't give a hoot about it, they rather save up their earnings or at best give it to a begger.
Is it biblical to tithe?
Tithing, biblically was first mentioned in Genesis 14:19-20
"And Abram gave him a tenth of everything"
Too many verses talk about tithing from Genesis to Proverbs and down to Malachi.
Malachi 3:8-9 is a scary one.
"Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, “How have we robbed you?” In your tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you."
What about the New Testament?
Tithing is highlighted 3 times. Obviously less emphasised but still noteworthy. Scriptures are
Luke 11:42
But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
And others:
Luke 18:9-14,
Hebrews 7:1-2.
It's established. Tithing is backed biblically but there's something to add. Jesus makes it clear in all of those scriptures that tithing is vain, absolutely vain without love and justice.
In essence, tithing isn't what will open the flood gates of all of heaven's goodies.
Should you tithe?
Too many reasons why people complain about tithing is the seeming wealth of pastors of big Churches. They live quite well, modestly put, and they move in luxurious automobiles.
People feel it's too much money a pastor should have and that they probably exploit members to their affluence.
I'm not at liberty to speak up or against the matter.
Why? It's matter too high for me. There's no clear cut biblical guideline on how rich a pastor should be.
Its all between the Man of God and God Himself.
And about exploiting members?
I go to church when i can, sadly. But whenever I'm around, i see the offerings and contributions people make. We are talking 20 naira offerings as a mean. 200naira at best. I understand that this money summed up could reach into the thousands maybe millions but still, members give so little to complain about being exploited.
Christianity doesn't allow for announcing good one has done. So its out of place for pastors to talk about donations or monetary sacrifices they make.
Should you tithe? Yes you should.
Why? If tithing being biblical isn't enough for you.
Then tithe because you love giving to God.
That's my reason for tithing.
I like that giving that hurts, that dares to make you reconsider giving. That's the one that makes me feel good about my standing with God.
Whether you give it and it is not used well enough should concern you less. Just give to grow God's house. Its better than giving to a thousand beggers.
I know it sucks to give and fear your hard earned contribution won't be used properly, but God had already forewarned this. It's no news that in the end time There would be superfluous of fake pastors here and there. It's our job to study the bible well enough to figure out who is phony or true.
Conclusively, tithing isn't the problem. Humans are. So play your part well enough as part of Gods body. Learn and do.
"So practice and observe whatever they tell you—but not what they do. For they preach, but do not practice." Matthew 23:3
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