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  I remember one time, me and my friends settling into the night talking about our reviews on movies and then it hit the rest of us that one of us had not watched "Gravity".
BOOM!!! We were beyond dazed. Why?
We are a movie loving people and we love to criticise movies. So, to us, it was a friendship Crime.

Yesterday i got to know who Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was and that was shocker to me for She's too important not to know.
To those who don't...
She is a brilliant writer, and her noteworthy works are books like "half the yellow sun", "Purple hibiscus" and "We should all be Feminist".
It gets even better , she's featured on the song "flawless" by Beyoncè or we could put it like this, 'Beyoncè asked for permission to use her words and she granted Beyoncè permission'. I think the latter sounds cooler.

So What's the point? Chimamanda has a message for all "supposed feminist " and feminist-lovers. She sees the big misrepresentation or the total lack of understanding of the word Feminism.
Here are her words while referring to her work with Beyoncè

"Still, her (Beyoncè)type of feminism is not mine," she said. "As it is the kind that, at the same time, gives quite a lot of space to the necessity of men. I think men are lovely, but I don't think that women should relate everything they do to men: did he hurt me, do I forgive him, did he put a ring on my finger? We women are so conditioned to relate everything to men. Put a group of women together and the conversation will eventually be about men. Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff. We women should spend about 20 per cent of our time on men, because it's fun, but otherwise we should also be talking about our own stuff."

I don't quite agree Men could gather and not talk about women. It's totally dependent on the kind of men gathered but i do get her point.
Go on Facebook,  Twitter and whatever social media site there is, it's everywhere, Women talking about how "Men are scum" , how women should stand up against Men.  Gender Equality  and all sorts of agendas that are Men-centred. 

Men don't have the time to lament about women. Men are busy seeking how to make fast money so they can accure more women.
That's the difference right there. A man's centre is money .
For too many women , the centre of their world is a man, There's too many online post about Men's fidelity,  too many memes and jokes about girlfriends struggling for passwords to their boyfriend's phone and Its astonishing how women celebrate being engaged, it's seen as some milestone or a feather to the Cap to find a 'man that may as well still decide to damn the engagement and ditch you".
To crown this aberration up, one of the most searched words on the internet  is "How to please a man".

It would be totally unjustified and cruel of me to blame women for their seeming misfortunes but they honestly are a part of their own problem.
They give men the very power they accuse them of having.

To be a Feminist isn't to go online disturbing the peace of your followers Timeline about how Men are this and that. It's about developing yourself for yourself; to be self-sufficient and seld-dependent .

Self-sufficiency is the best kind of attractive.  It leaves no room to be bothered about how a man should or shouldn't treat you. It's power and beauty interlaced into a appealing knit.
We should all be Feminist.

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Love to the dead

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