The word “re-incarnation” derives from latin, literally meaning “entering the flesh again”. Re-incarnation according to the Oxford English Dictionary 7th Edition
"is the belief that after a person’s death, their soul lives again in a new body”.
This topic has been a religious bone of contention for many years. Do we live again after death? Is Abraham Lincoln amongst us? How about Albert Eisten or will Hitler be born again?
Wait a that???
Plato, in the 5th Century BCE, believed in an immortal soul that participates in frequent incarnations.
The major religions that hold a belief in reincarnation are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism, all which arose in India.
On a neutral point of view, there have been evidences that both prove and debunk the claims of reincarnation.
Alleged Evidences of Reincarnation
1) In 1952, there was a famous case of regression to a past life through hypnosis by Ruth Simmons. Her therapist, Morey Bernstein took her past the point of her birth, Suddenly, Ruth began to speak in an Irish accent and claimed that her name was Bridey Murphy, who lived in 19th century Belfast, Ireland. Ruth recalled many details of her life as Bridey. Under hypnosis, she mentioned the name of two grocers in Belfast from which she bought food, Mr Farr, and John Carrigan. A Belfast Liberian found a city directory for 1865-1866 that listed both men as grocers. Her story was told in a book by Bernstein and in a 1956 movie “the search for Bridey Murphy”.
2) Research Conducted by Nicola Dexter, a past life therapist, discovered correlations between illnesses and past lives in some of her patients, including a bulimia sufferer who swallowed salt water in a previous life, a fear of indoor heights caused by carving the ceiling of a church and being killed by falling to the floor, a fear of razors and shaving was found to have its root cause in another lifetime where the client had chopped off someone’s fingers with a sword and then in retribution had his entire hand cut off.
3) Where does seemingly irrational fear come from? Fear of heights, fear of water or flying, many have fears so great they become debilitating, and some fears are completely baffling (a fear of carpets recorded in 1860 for example), where do such fears come from? The answers were attributed to psychological complexes but researchers are certain that in some cases it might be a connection to a previous life.
4) In his book “someone else’s Yesterday”, Jeffery J. Keen theorizes that a person in this life can strongly resemble the person he or she was in a previous life. Keene, an assistant fire Chief who lives in Westport, Connecticut believes he is the reincarnation of John B, Gordon, a confederate General of the army of Northern Virginia, who died on January 9, 1904. As evidence, he offered a photo of himself and the general, they had a striking appearance and shared the same facial scars. Artist Peter Teekamp believes he is a reincarnation of Artist Paul Gaugin, they share same physical resemblance, and Peter found out his work was similar to that of Paul, who he didn’t know before.
5) In Carol Bowman’s “Children’s Past Lives”, in 1852, there was a documented case of Eighteen month old Elisbeth who had never spoken a complete sentence, but one evening, as her mother was bathing her, Elsbeth spoke up and said “I’m going to take my vows”. Her mother taken aback questioned the baby girl about her queer statement. “I’m not Elsbeth now, I’m Rose but I’m going to be sister Teresa Gregory”. In 1930, a 69 year old woman named Teresa Gregory, who suffered from Parkinson and was institutionalized in an old people home kept muttering “Rose”
6) A six year old boy named Taranjit Singh from the village of Alluna Miana, India, claimed since he was two that he had been a person named Satnam Singh. He gave an account of how Santam was killed while riding his bike home from school, an investigation verified many details of his story but they were dismissed as something he could have heard about until, the found a shocker, Taranjit and Satnam had exactly same handwtriting.
7) An Indian boy claimed to remember the life of one Maha Ram. Maha Ram was discovered to have been killed by a shot gun blast to the chest. An autopsy report that had been carried out on Maha Tied up his wound from the gun shot to the same birth marks found on the boy’s chest.
The above Evidences (Few of very many) have created strong alibi to favour Reincarnation as a fact, but there are also Debunking claims and evidences that show it to be false, these I will outline in the second part of this article.
By Godsent
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