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The Friendzone

     Ryan Reynold defined the term "Friendzone" in the movie 'Just Friends' as  "a state where a guy becomes this non-sexual entity in a girl's eyes; like a brother or a lamp". Another person seems to think its an isolated zone;a quarantine. 
   We all know friendzones are an unmutual 'thingy'; quite unfair actually And the boys are very upset about it.

   So what do i think??
Yes i agree... Friendzones are not fair, He wants way more... You dont... But he's a such a great guy; you just cant imagine losing him alltogether.
 So you have to keep him some kind of way ,And then he becomes your "friend" or your "bestfriend", Oh thats beautiful but does he want that too??? 

    Friendships are nothing if they are not mutual. He's your bestfriend or your friend if it works for both parties... If not, you're being selfish and soon he's going to resent you for it eventually; hes going to get tired of seeing you with other people and of being ur teddy bear. 
Can you blame him?? Even lamps get tired too...

   Some say "what we have is soo special, i dont want to lose it by getting involved; relationships are shitty..." 
See ehn!! If you dont love the guy ehn just tell him; this one is just an excellent compensation; well packaged sympathy. 
   With that established,  I'm going to say this. Relationships are not shitty... You're in a relationship with a shitty person. It's not always true that getting involved ruins things and if you keep nursing that special bud; it ll get ruined eventually.Trust me i know..
    So why not take the chance. You can never tell... Your "friend"/"bestfriend" may just be the non-shitty guy, If you disagree, then let him go. Dont keep him in the friendzone prison... At least u love him enough to do so... Right???

         Ps- this is a unigender article... There's a lot of "he" cos it seems to be a male epidemic... 😁

                             By Gift

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