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The Slow Death

   Full bottle for the money-grubber with a new Lexus jeep and no academic degree.
    Half bottle for the undergraduate rolling in his "Boss" seat,in his new Zanotti shoes.
    Quarter bottle for the parents who can see but cannot see.
     Empty bottle for the final year engineering student with no social standing.

     Ten points to the unemployed billionaire spraying dollar signs at the club.
     Five points to the dark-skinned turned white girl twerking half naked at that club,
     Two points to the best friend, the uneducated pharmacist who supplies Postinor and Misoprostol.
     Zero points for the church girl ,the virgin with no social standing.
Do we need funerals before we realise that society is dead?
Do we need spectacle to see that our rambunctious children are headed dooms way.
"Do not weep for me"...he said.
Weep for your children instead
Paint it black, paint it white...
Paint it in every shade of grey
Modify with adjectives as you like it.
Give the grand titles to the illiterates
Let false progress be your pride

Teach your children in the way to grow.
And pray,
that they never depart from it.

                             From tobi


  1. Really deep yet intriguing piece���� got me hooked��

  2. A master piece from my very own Tobi... Deep and full of wisdom. I thought wisdom comes with grey hair but alas she swims in an ocean of wisdom. Bravo

  3. Wow...Tobi nice 1...this z so true n full of wisdom

  4. i love this one, aweeeeessssoome. another nice one dear.

  5. Beautiful!!....jes what the society needs to hear more often...nice one Toby

  6. I feel good!! tanananananana... so good🎶🎶🎹🎹🎹 Thanks guys... Your words are cupids arrow to my heart.

  7. Toby its really nice

  8. Having an intelligent cousin like you is the best feeling!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice piece dear

  11. Love it. It's touching and true

  12. She is at it again.....can't get enough of this write up mehnnn..... U have no idea how it has helped..... Keep it coming bby!!

  13. Thank you. 😘💯💯

  14. Who Else thinks this girl is so gifted? A great message to the society at large. Nice piece Tobi.

  15. And who is this Tobi full of wisdom

  16. And who is this Tobi full of wisdom
