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  I remember when my dad used to drive to this post office in his “504” Peugeot car, new letters had arrived, he would pick them up on behalf of our church, so many people used the church PO BoX, hence the stack of letters were usually enormous. I always was so happy when he took me along, I was very young of course, I always savored being in the front passenger’s seat, putting my hands out of the window even though that always got me being yelled at.

Fast forward to the present, the post office is in ruins, the green boxes where the letters were being kept are now rusty brown, grasses have taken over the compound, our church members don’t even remember the Box number of the church, men and women have lost their jobs, leaving to find better sources of income, while our phones chimes away.

I remember when we dug twelve holes on the ground, and start shuffling kernel seeds between them, win or lose, i always won, the smile on my mom’s face was enough.

Now all we do, is play action RPG, against a stranger halfway across the world, the satisfaction of a kill, the frustration of loosing and the transfer of aggression to anyone who opens the door to my room after I loose. Pro evolution Soccer, FIFA, The Last of US, God of War, Call of duty and so on, exposing our eyes to blue rays for extended periods, visiting the eye clinic at middle age to complain of blurred vision.
Students used to go to school with their back packs containing their books only, now the contents are, a charger, an ear piece or headset, a power bank, an adaptor.

The young ones are exposed to violence, crime, sex, as they sit and watch same movies as the adults. The adults themselves are inspired negatively on “how to get away with murder”, Promiscuity, foul language, condemnation of religion (why do most priests end up dead or are powerless in horror films?).

Radiation is at a peak, industrial wastes have made our lands barren, the sun might become the enemy in some years to come as our ozone layer gets depleted and depleted.
Nuclear weapons at the ready, waiting for the fly to perch on an egg somehow stabilized on a match stick. War in the middle-east, countless left dead and many homeless. Suicide bombers wrecking havoc in populated gatherings.
We eat sugar coated “poisons” called food, refined food seduces us like a pretty woman in red with a knife hidden behind her back. We drink all kinds of junk with harmful artificial sweeteners.

Forgive me, I know that technology has made life better (hell, you wouldn’t be reading this if not for it), but we all are paying the price little by little, it kisses us like Judas on the cheek and when it comes like a juggernaut, with the hatchet of a reaper to collect its final price, don’t say we weren’t warned.

                                By Godsent

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